Facility Condition Assessments

PSFEI has a strong history of helping facility managers (FM) efficiently maintain building and grounds infrastructure. PSFEI’s highly skilled engineers and system specialists have extensive experience assessing correctional, education, military, recreational, and transportation facilities throughout the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. PSFEI staff believe the best tool to obtain this information is a facility condition assessment (FCA)—a multi-disciplinary review of an organization’s buildings that addresses an FM’s main concerns.

An FCA will help answer the following questions:

  • What assets do I own?
  • What is the condition of these assets?
  • How do I prioritize the recommended repairs?
  • How much will it cost to repair?

An FCA provides an FM with objective and valuable information to defend a decision to maintain, repair, or renew an asset.

An FCA will improve:

  • Accuracy of deferred maintenance budgets
  • Capital planning estimates
  • Efficiency in the workplace

By conducting thorough field investigations to collect data, PSFEI’s FCA team evaluates the condition of the following categories: 

  • ADA accessibility
  • Architectural finishes
  • Building enclosure
  • Electrical systems
  • Energy conservation
  • Fire/life safety
  • Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems
  • Plumbing systems
  • Site components
  • Structural systems

PSFEI understands that presenting the valuable results of an FCA in a static, paper-bound, report will lead to information that is quickly out of date and accessible by few. In order to resolve this problem, PSFEI has chosen to report their assessment data and results through two web-accessible platforms—WebiFM and BUILDER Sustainment Management System (SMS). Developed and maintained by PSFEI, the WebiFM application is primarily used by state government and educational clients. Alternatively, the BUILDER SMS application was developed by the United States Army Corps of Engineers Engineering Research and Develop Center’s (ERDC) Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (CERL) and is primarily used by military clients. Both software platforms offer innovative methods to collect, analyze, and display condition assessment data.

For more information about facility condition assessments, contact:

Gregory Ruberto, assistant director





The Penn State Facilities Engineering Institute (PSFEI) provides education programs, energy services, engineering services, and facility condition assessments to Pennsylvania state agencies, the federal government, and nonprofit organizations. The organization aims to advance its customers’ facilities engineering objectives through applied research, education, and innovation.

Penn State Facilities Engineering Institute

Marion Place, Suite 414

135 East Nittany Avenue

State College, PA 16801

Phone: 814-865-7615

Fax: 814-863-7835